
Experience a Comprehensive Concussion Recovery Program with Dr. Fair

Green field and picturescue storm sky clouds at springtime, agriculture planted wheat

Are you ready to reclaim your life?

Tired of being told that only time will heal you?

Concussions heal— and we're here to show you how.

We understand that recovery times can vary, and persistent symptoms can be frustrating. Our program is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools to navigate your recovery journey effectively. Whether you’re one week or one decade post injury.

Much of what is taught about concussions and brain damage is outdated or incorrect. Concussions, especially chronic ones, often involve autonomic nervous system dysregulation. By treating the whole body, this dysregulation can stabilize, leading to lasting recovery. Your brain is not broken.

It’s time to rethink concussion treatment. We need to stop focusing exclusively on the head or brain and start addressing cellular metabolic issues, such as mitochondrial function throughout the entire body, and how various systems communicate with the brain.

We’ll delve deeply into the brain and its functions, but you’ll also discover the exciting truth that the heart, lungs, gut, and other body systems are intrinsically connected to brain health. When we heal one, we heal the other.

You’ll learn that treating neck strain, vision issues, balance problems, and other often-overlooked systems can be key to your recovery.

Importantly, we’ll help you understand how your mind—what you say, think, and believe about yourself and your injury—is often the missing link between being merely functional and being truly free.

Great things are done by a series
of small things brought together.

- Vincent van Gogh

Our program offers personalized interaction with Dr. Fair, along with eight core classes and a series of specialized modules to deepen your understanding. Each class is 60 to 90 minutes, and each module is 20 to 30 minutes. Our goal is to empower you with knowledge, practical strategies, and hope for a full recovery.


Concussion Myths vs. Facts and Common Questions

Debunk common misconceptions and get answers to the questions that matter most.

Strategies and Systems: Return-to-Work, School, and Play Protocols

Learn effective strategies to safely resume your daily activities.

MiniMachines & MacroSystems: Cellular Communication and the Brain-Body Connection

Discover how your body’s cells and systems communicate and contribute to healing.

Quality Fuel: Nutrition and Hydration for Healing

Understand the role of diet and hydration in your recovery process.

Just Breathe: Breathwork and Meditation as Medicine

Explore techniques to reduce stress and promote healing through mindful breathing.

Use It or Lose It: Cognitive Activity and Aerobic Exercise

Find out how appropriate activity levels can enhance your recovery.

Renew and Repair: Sleep as a Behavior and a Process

Learn about the critical role of sleep in brain health and recovery.

Building Belief: Mindset as Environment and Intervention

Harness the power of a positive mindset to accelerate healing.

Putting It All Together: Troubleshooting, Revising, Continuing

Integrate all you’ve learned and maintain a personalized plan moving forward.

SPECIALIZED MODULES (Currently in Development)

Symptom Tracking, Goal Setting, and Motivation Management

Tools to monitor progress and stay motivated.

Headaches: Types, Causes, and Treatment

Comprehensive insights into managing and alleviating headaches.

Cognitive Training: Memory, Brain Fog, Attention, and More

Strategies to improve cognitive functions affected by concussion.

Understanding Anxiety, Irritability, Depression, and Emotional Well-being

Address the emotional aspects of recovery with effective techniques.

What to Know About Multiple Concussion Injuries

Important information for those with repeated concussions.

The question is not what you
look at, but what you see

- Henry David Thoreau
Green field and picturescue storm sky clouds at springtime, agriculture planted wheat
Green field and blue sky.

We don’t just tell you what to do—we explain why each step and recommendation matters, how they work, and why they sometimes don’t. We’ll help you understand the fluctuations in your symptoms so you can navigate your recovery journey with confidence and clarity.

When you comprehend how your body works and why it responds the way it does, your ability to act on this information increases significantly. Our program will deepen your understanding of your brain and body in ways you never have before. You’ll be empowered not only to recover from your concussion but also to enhance your overall quality of life.

Call Dr. Fair today for a free 30-minute consultation.

Let’s get better—together!